Impact of Divorce on the workplace

How It Affects Employees and Productivity

Divorce can significantly affect employees' work performance and well-being in many ways. Here are some of the key challenges faced by individuals going through a divorce:

  1. Mental Health Issues: Divorce often triggers anxiety, depression, and even substance abuse. A 2021 study revealed that 60% of people reported a decline in their mental health due to divorce.
  2. Reduced Productivity: The emotional toll of divorce can make it difficult for employees to focus on tasks and maintain productivity. According to the same 2021 study, 39% of individuals experienced a drop in their work output during this period.
  3. Increased Absenteeism: Divorce-related stress frequently leads to absenteeism, with 23% of respondents in the study admitting they had to take sick or unpaid leave.
  4. Communication Breakdowns: Strained interpersonal relationships are another byproduct of divorce, often causing communication breakdowns with colleagues and managers in the workplace.
  5. Work-Life Balance Shifts: Divorce can force employees to reassess their work-life balance as they navigate new personal responsibilities like childcare and living arrangements.
  6. Resource Loss Spiral: Divorce can lead to a "resource loss spiral," where one issue compounds another, creating further difficulties in both personal and professional life.

Corporates and Businesses Are Now Seeking Breakup, Divorce & Domestic Abuse Coaches - Unlock a New Coaching Revenue Stream!

Did you know that more companies are actively looking for Breakup, Divorce, and Domestic Abuse Coaches to support employees facing personal challenges? This fast-growing, emerging coaching niche presents a lucrative opportunity, making now the perfect time to train with a leading Break Up & Divorce Coach.

Why the Demand for Breakup Coaching Is Rising?

According to research from the Harvard Business Journal, breakups can decrease workplace productivity by up to 40% - and not just for the year of the breakup, but for up to three years. This productivity loss spans the period when relationships start breaking down, the year of the divorce, and the following year as employees adjust to new childcare, lifestyle, and living arrangements.

A Divorce Coaching Training Program Prepares You with Key Business Skills:

  • How to approach corporate clients effectively
  • The messages businesses need to hear from you
  • Coaching techniques tailored to managing breakups in the workplace
  • Strategies to make yourself an indispensable asset to any team
  • How to maximise your revenue with corporate clients

The demand is growing fast - If you have been thinking about enrolling to become an accredited Divorce Coach, now is the time to act and seize this opportunity.

Book A FREE Discovery call with the world's #1 Divorce & Break Up Coach

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